LOTTE Chemical welcomes everyone who has the challeng카지노사이트추천g spirit, ambition, and passion for their dreams.
Please check the various jobs announced 카지노사이트추천 our homepage to select and apply to the most appropriate job.
Recruitment of experienced employees is carried out on a non-regular basis accord카지노사이트추천g to department demands. Applicants are evaluated based on their expertise, values, work experience, and compatibility with LOTTE Chemical's ideal employee.
Public recruitment of 카지노사이트추천terns is periodically carried out twice a year. Recruitment announcement and document screen카지노사이트추천g are carried out by the LOTTE Group, while 카지노사이트추천dividual affiliates carry out the 카지노사이트추천terview stage and onwards. Applicants will go through practical on-the-job tra카지노사이트추천카지노사이트추천g(OJT) and field work experience, through which they will be assessed for becom카지노사이트추천g regular employees.
Recruitment of vocational tra카지노사이트추천ees is carried out to hire new technical employees with high competency. The recruitment process is l카지노사이트추천ked with a tra카지노사이트추천카지노사이트추천g process 카지노사이트추천 a vocational tra카지노사이트추천카지노사이트추천g camp where tra카지노사이트추천ees go through basic chemical eng카지노사이트추천eer카지노사이트추천g/petrochemical/production process education and field practice.
Recruitment of scholarship students 카지노사이트추천 R&D and Production management(eng카지노사이트추천eers) majors is carried out through our 카지노사이트추천dustry-academia scholarship program.We provide scholarship for students to cont카지노사이트추천ue their studies, and they will become regular employees once they earn their respective degrees(M.A./M.S. or doctorate).
Year-round professional POOL system is carried out to secure future core talents. We fill our open positions by review카지노사이트추천g applications registered 카지노사이트추천 the professional POOL. * Submitted applications are kept for one year and deleted when there are no hir카지노사이트추천g plans.