

[Press Release] LOTTE Chemical Supplies Reusable EPP Delivery Box.. Increasing Eco-friendly Delivery


LOTTE Chemical Supplies Reusable EPP Delivery Box..
Increasing Eco-friendly Delivery

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EPP box that can be used repeatedly. Contributing to establishing of an eco-friendly delivery ecosystem

■ Supplying eco-friendly EPP delivery cooled box that can be recycled and reused for fresh food delivery…
Outstanding cool insulation performance compared to paper boxes and Styrofoam boxes

■ Delivery products with EPP box that can be used repeatedly and collect them to reduce packaging materials
thrown away compared to existing delivery systems to help build an eco-friendly delivery ecosystem
LOTTE Chemical and Korea Container Pool will supply ‘EPP delivery cool boxes’ that can be recycled and reused for building an eco-friendly delivery ecosystem.

EPP is an easily recyclable material that supplemented the characteristics of existing Styrofoam materials to be strong against impact, easy to shape, and easy to recycle without creating hazardous materials.

This newly supplied EPP delivery cooling box was co-developed with Korea Container Pool (KCP) and it has superior cool insulating performance compared to paper boxes and Styrofoam boxes that are used for early-morning delivery. Furthermore, repeated use is possible and it is manufactured with a single material, thus being characterized by its ease for recycling.

EPP delivery cool boxes are used to place products ordered by consumers for delivery, and which is then immediately collected and cleaned. Through this, it is expected that it can address consumer complaints about the handling of delivery boxes and reduce packaging materials thrown away.

In light of the recently increasing trends for contact-free consumption culture, LOTTE Chemical is planning to supply EPP delivery cool insulation boxes that can be used for delivering frozen and fresh foods to fresh food delivery companies.

LOTTE Chemical Advanced Materials Division CEO Young Joon Lee said, “The newly manufactured eco-friendly EPP delivery boxes positively reflect the current situation and consumer needs for eco-friendly materials.” He added, “We will continue to expand our eco-friendly product portfolio that can be used in various industries, while coexisting with the environment.”

Meanwhile, in February, LOTTE Chemical announced its eco-friendly goals and ESG management strategy titled ‘Green Promise 2030’ and is concentrating on strategic investments and capacities on the four major projects of ‘strengthening eco-friendly businesses’, ‘expand virtuous cycles of resources’, ‘response to climate change’, and ‘establishment of a green ecosystem’.