

[Press Release] LOTTE Chemical publishes the 2020 Joint Growth Report.


LOTTE Chemical publishes the 2020 Joint Growth Report. ’

█ Coexistence program with financial, technical, and facility support and support for stable international business.
█ Partnership capabilities and soundness of network based on ESG management strategies.
█ Creating a cooperative and coexisting culture for a horizontal partnership.

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An employee of LOTTE Chemical is reviewing the Joint Growth Report.

LOTTE Chemical have published the 2020 Joint Growth Report containing its efforts for coexistence and cooperation with partners and creation of social value.

This year’s report has been published for the second time after last year and contains the coexistence program with financial, technical, and facility support and support for stable international business for stable management activities of partners.

LOTTE Chemical has sponsored the international subsidiaries in Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and China and small/medium partners in Korea with about 20 billion KRW to resolve the local partners’ lack of networks for global business.

Also, joint study projects are being promoted for technological competitiveness of partners and research facilities and equipment was provided for over 9,000 cases of property analysis last year for 24 cases of joint technological development projects and to resolve small/medium partners’ difficulties with raw material development due to the lack of equipment and facilities.

Due to the growing importance of network management in ESG, internationally standardized evaluation criteria have been established for labor, human rights, safety, environment, and management systems and the CSR Evaluation Support Project has been operated for field diagnosis and consultation to reinforce the partners’ capacities and secure the soundness of networks.

LOTTE Chemical has been recognized for the endeavors to acquire Excellence Level at the 2020 Joint Growth Index Evaluation (released by the Joint Growth Committee). This year, they will create a culture for coexistence and cooperation with partners and establish a horizontal partnership based on the ESG management strategies.

LOTTE Chemical constructed a compliance program to create a culture for fair trading in 2006 and acquired the ISO37001 Certification for anti-corruption management systems in 2019.