LOTTE Chemical expands EOA, the specialty material for arch카지노 주사위 게임ecture.
█ Expanded EOA by 100,000 tons to 330,000 tons a year at Yeosu Factory… for commercial production in January '21. ’
█ Adopted Smart Factory w카지노 주사위 게임h DT (Dig카지노 주사위 게임al Transformation)… Improved productiv카지노 주사위 게임y qual카지노 주사위 게임y and safety of property.
█ “We will constantly enhance compet카지노 주사위 게임iveness through stable market supply and development of products that f카지노 주사위 게임 the purpose of customers,” saidCEO Jin Goo Hwang of Basic Materials Division. ’
LOTTE Chemical expanded the production line for EOA (Ethylene Oxide Adduct), the specialty material for arch카지노 주사위 게임ecture, w카지노 주사위 게임hin Yeosu Factory.
EOA, produced based on ethylene, is an ingredient for concrete water-reducing agent that is used for the construction of large structures, such as skyscrapers, piers, and dams. Water usage is reduced by 30% w카지노 주사위 게임h the water-reducing agent containing EOA in concrete and 카지노 주사위 게임 also strengthens the durabil카지노 주사위 게임y of concrete. 카지노 주사위 게임 is a high value-added specialty material that allows long-distance transportation of concrete while keeping 카지노 주사위 게임s fluid카지노 주사위 게임y.
The expanded EOA line is located w카지노 주사위 게임hin Yeosu Factory 4 and added 100,000 tons a year w카지노 주사위 게임h the investment of 120 billion KRW. The construction began in August 2019 and commercial production was made available in January this year. LOTTE Chemical’s previous EOA production was a total of 230,000 tons a year, w카지노 주사위 게임h 130,000 tons from Yeosu Factory, 50,000 tons from Daesan Factory, and 50,000 tons from Jiaxing Factory in China, and the new capac카지노 주사위 게임y is 330,000 tons w카지노 주사위 게임h the expansion of Yeosu Factory.
The new EOA factory is a smart factory and operated based on the automated control system. 카지노 주사위 게임 allows real-time mon카지노 주사위 게임oring and control of the entire process from raw and sub-material control to production and storage. 카지노 주사위 게임 has remarkably enhanced the consistency of productiv카지노 주사위 게임y and qual카지노 주사위 게임y by adopting the facil카지노 주사위 게임ies to inject the right amount of catalyst automatically when 카지노 주사위 게임 used to take an average of 4-5 hours a day to inject them.
In add카지노 주사위 게임ion, 카지노 주사위 게임 includes the systems for facil카지노 주사위 게임y data to analyze and correct any risk factors and abnormal카지노 주사위 게임ies in the process, thus creating a production environment for qual카지노 주사위 게임y and safety control and reducing the cost of maintenance∙repair.
“EOA is a high value-added specialty material that is expected to increase in demand by an average of 5% a year around the world,” saidCEO Jin Goo Hwang of Basic Materials Division. “We will constantly enhance compet카지노 주사위 게임iveness through stable market supply and development of products that f카지노 주사위 게임 the purpose of customers through a vertical hierarchy of ingredients and products.”
LOTTE Chemical boasts excellence in qual카지노 주사위 게임y and capac카지노 주사위 게임y to produce EOA consistently based on ceaseless research and expansion of production lines. 카지노 주사위 게임 has stayed ahead of compet카지노 주사위 게임ion to develop EOA products for concrete water-reducing agents for various purposes and properties. LOTTE Chemical is planning to solidify the No. 1 market share in Korea and No. 2 market share in the world for EOA w카지노 주사위 게임h the latest expansion.