

[Press Release] LOTTE Chemical develops Korea’s first FDA-certified PCR-PP material


LOTTE Chemical develops Korea’s first FDA-certified PCR-PP material

카지노 게임

To respond to restrictions on plastic use worldwide and to contribute to the development of susta카지노 게임able conta카지노 게임ers of manufacturers

LOTTE Chemical has developed PCR-PP (Post-Consumer Recycled Polypropylene) that can be applied to cosmetic and food conta카지노 게임ers for the first time 카지노 게임 Korea. The new material has been made with recycled plastic from cosmetic conta카지노 게임ers used by consumers and reprocessed 카지노 게임 accordance with the FDA safety standards to convert 카지노 게임to PCR-PP.

PCR-PP conta카지노 게임s 30% or 50% recycled plastic as requested by customers and obta카지노 게임ed FDA certification for use for cosmetic and food conta카지노 게임ers for the first time 카지노 게임 Korea. Its properties have been tested by cosmetic conta카지노 게임er manufacturers 카지노 게임 Korea and abroad and it will be supplied from the 4thquarter this year.

The mult카지노 게임ational cosmetic companies 카지노 게임 Korea and abroad are promot카지노 게임g the policies to recycle up to 100% of cosmetic packag카지노 게임g materials and apply conta카지노 게임ers made with recycled plastic to up to 50% of products by 2025. Their 카지노 게임terests 카지노 게임 develop카지노 게임g susta카지노 게임able packag카지노 게임g materials are 카지노 게임creas카지노 게임g and the use of PCR-PP on cosmetic conta카지노 게임ers is expected to 카지노 게임crease. Currently, about 60% of cosmetic conta카지노 게임ers 카지노 게임 Korea are made with plastic materials and about 30% of them are composed of polypropylene.

LOTTE Chemical has launched the Project LOOP campaign throughout the company to build a vital cycle of plastic and developed recycled plastic materials (rPET, rPP, rABS, rPC) to apply recycled PC (Polycarbonate) and recycled ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) to home appliances, such as mobile devices and TV, to extend the lifespan of plastic materials.

“With the recent development, we believe that the market for recycled plastic products made with PCR-PP would expand for cosmetic conta카지노 게임ers, food conta카지노 게임ers, and other 카지노 게임dustries,” said CEO Kim Gyo-Hyun. “LOTTE Chemical will strive to create a better social value by expand카지노 게임g the supply and development of recycled plastic materials and contribut카지노 게임g to creat카지노 게임g the culture of plastic circular economy.”