

[Company News] LOTTE Chemical’s 10 partners named ‘Small/Medium Businesses with Excellent CSR’ by Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership


LOTTE Chemical’s 10 partners named
‘Small/Medium Businesses with Excellent CSR’
by Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership

카지노 노말

■Korea Commission for Corporate Partner bestows ‘Certificate of CSR Excellence’ to 10 partners of LOTTE Chemical

LOTTE Chemical’s 10 business partners have been named ‘Small/Medium Businesses with Excellent CSR’ by Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership’s Small/Medium Business CSR Evaluation Project.

Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership bestowed the Certificate of CSR Excellence to Doobon Co., Ltd. and celebrated the hanging of a tablet on June 26.

LOTTE Chemical entered an agreement with Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership in September 2019 to initiate the ‘Small/Medium Business CSR Evaluation Project’ to support the CSR training of partners and dispatch experts for CSR diagnosis and coaching upon request for the past 9 month. Through an expert meeting, Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership selected 10 companies that have established outstanding management systems among the partners of LOTTE Chemical that had joined the project to bestow the certificates and tablets.

‘Small/Medium Business CSR Evaluation Project’ is Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership’s project to diagnose and improve the overall level of small/medium businesses using the major indices of CSR concerning labor, human rights, safety, environment, ethics, and fair trade.